Return To Curling Guidelines and Protocols

Hello Port Moody Curling Club Members,

We hope you are staying safe and keeping healthy.

The COVID Committee has been working very hard on the club’s Return To Curling Guidelines and Protocols document. After many meetings with the City, and other stakeholders the document received unanimous approval from the PMCC Board on October 05, 2020. The documents are based upon what we know about COVID at this point in time and will be updated as new information becomes available.

As we prepare to open for curling in January 2021 this document will help to prepare you for what curling will look like at the Port Moody Curling Club this season.

You can read the Return To Curling Guidelines And Protocols document by clicking on the link below.

View/Download “Return To Curling Guidelines And Protocols”

If you have any questions please contact Janice van Veen, Club Administrator at

Thank you, 

The COVID Committee on behalf of PMCC Board